Note -- you have reached the original website. Thanks very much for visiting. Logo contact information has been updated (i.e. we moved to Taos, NM) as below:
Willis Greiner
12 Rabbit Valley Road / P.O. Box 1515
El Prado, NM 87529
303-903-8996 or 575-758-3670
You may also want to visit Willis' new astronomy site at:
Welcome to the "2004
Alaskan Aurora Borealis March 21st Supplemental " gallery
The photograph below is my most recent effort.
Included here is a photograph from the 2004 Aurora Borealis display
as seen from various Alaskan locations in the evening and early
morning hours of late March, 2004. This particular gallery is
the 2004 Alaskan Aurora Borealis March 21st Supplemental Gallery.
If you wish to return to the main Aurora Borealis Gallery merely
close this window.
My wife's and my goal
was to travel to Alaska during the most prolific Aurora season,
which is either March or September, approaching the equinox. It
is generally accepted that a location near Chena Hot Springs,
AK (approx. 60 miles east and a little north of Fairbanks) is
"Aurora central," so to speak. The various complex reasons
for this phenomena can be explored by linking to the below-listed
scientific Aurora site.
Aurora -- Information and Images
-- is the site related to the Poker Flats research facility in
Alaska, but also includes general information concerning Aurora
and an excellent FAQ section. Also highly recommenced is the daily
Aurora prediction link.
Access Chena
Hot Springs Resort to learn more about the features of this
Aurora-centric resort facility.
photographs courtesy Chena Hot Springs)
On the evening of
Sunday, March 21, 2004 we again signed up for the Aurora snow
coach experience and arrived at Charley Dome and the yurt at
about 10:30 P.M. It was a quiet Aurora evening (for Chena and
Alaska) but warm -- perhaps plus 15 degrees F. We leisurely
took some photos, laid back on the snow (very comfortable) and
simply enjoyed the moderate display. We both felt this was a
wonderful conclusion for our very fortunate Alaskan Aurora experience.
Below is an additional photograph from that evening's display.
click on the thumbnail to view a larger version of the selected
The photograph below was taken with a Pentax 6X7 camera
mounted on a traditional tripod. Lenses varied from standard
to wide-angle -- this detail is noted on the individual image
pages. Film was Kodak Portra ISO 800 color negative film, developed
normally. All exposures were 60 seconds or less. Approximate
times are noted on the individual image pages.
The thumbnail photograph
seen and linked here to a larger version represents the very best
of quite a few Alaskan Aurora images we obtained. Because we observed
the Aurora on all four nights while in Alaska, I have included
other photographs obtained on this trip to present a more complete
Aurora experience for those interested. These links and specific
details are noted both below and on the individual image pages.
To further explore the "Something
New" section of please use the various
navigation strategies below the photographs.
Click a photo below
for a larger view and detailed information about how, when and
where it was taken.
The 2004 Alaskan Aurora Borealis astrophotography
is available via telephone ordering as noted below.