Note -- you have reached the original website. Please enjoy the images and narratives. Since the website has been moved to a new server, most links still are active, although some may not work. If you encounter an error or broken link, please bring it to my attention. Of course, thanks very much for visiting. Logo contact information has been updated (i.e. we moved to Taos, NM) as below:
Willis Greiner
12 Rabbit Valley Road / P.O. Box 1515
El Prado, NM 87529
303-903-8996 or 575-758-3670
You may also want to visit Willis' new astronomy site at:
This web
site is for anyone who's ever looked up at the nighttime sky and
sensed the feeling of awe and wonder that comes with knowing that
the universe has so much to see and experience! Explore the links
to the right and view the Comet Hale-Bopp
and the "Original Astrophotography"
gallery that features among others the Northern Lights, the 1991
Total Solar Eclipse from Mexico and Halley's Comet. Visit newer
astrophotographs in a gallery that displays the "1998
Total Solar Eclipse" in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Enjoy a movie of this spectacular event.
Explore the "Something New"
section of using the new galaxy navigation
strategies. Follow the pulsing links to the "2000
Total Lunar Eclipse" gallery and the "Digital
CCD" gallery. Explore the newest galleries featuring the
2001 Total Solar Eclipse as seen from Zimbabwe
and the 2001 Leonid meteor shower and storm
as observed and photographed from Colorado. Click on the sample
images below to access additional photographs of a rare bright red
Northern Lights display as seen from Conifer, Colorado in late November,
In March, 2004 Willis
and his wife traveled to Chena Hot Springs near Fairbanks, Alaska
to observe and photograph the Northern Lights from that optimum
location. Click on this text or the images
below to be transported to the 2004 Alaskan Aurora Borealis gallery.
some tips that can help you become a better astrophotographer,
too. Peruse some of my observations of comets, or read
narratives that feature a more philosophical "view"
of the heavens. A biography of the artists
is also included. Check out the links to cool
places on the Web such as "Kitt Peak's Advanced Observing
Program" and other sites featuring outstanding astronomical
content and information.
Some screens and images
here may take a while to load, but most are under 60K, so the download
time shouldn't be too bad for most people. Also, I've provided an
e-mail form to send me your comments,
questions or suggestions. Review the "Under
the Night Sky" newsletter archives and register to be included
in my address book. Receive regular e-mailings and a free astrophotograph!
I ask that you bookmark this site as I plan to continue to add to
it, and your input will help me with improvements.
search this site use the convenient Google search engine below.
Just click on the "search" radio
button and type in your suggested search term, such as "comet
Hyakutake " or "eclipse." The Google search engine
will then immediately suggest links within this web site by opening
a new search window. To return to simply close
the new search window or click on one of the suggested links.
consider purchasing a limited-edition signed and numbered matted photograph
from this secure web site. An initial suggestion might be the
"Moon Mist" poster as sampled below. Please click on the
image to view a larger version and to learn details of the poster's

Thanks for visiting.
Now, sit back and enjoy the view!
named "A Learning Fountain," demonstrating
its dedication to business honesty, ethics and learning excellence. |
awarded the prestigious "Literary Appeal Award,"
reflecting its commitment to science and nature writing. |
"Congratulations on recently completing your 100th SETI@home
workunit. Through your support, SETI@home has grown to become
the largest distributed computation on Earth. We at SETI@home
greatly appreciate the 1.25 years of computer time you have
donated to the project, and hope that you will continue your
support." |
revised 06/2015
To contact us, please call 303.903.9886

All images and
narratives copyright Willis Greiner, all rights reserved.
This Web site
was created and is hosted by Blue
Ray Media.